Assembly, blocking, safety
+33 (0)1 43 81 87 06 | info@miltechinternational.fr
Of all types: flat, painted, with internal teeth, with external teeth or Grower. We also have spring washers, Disc-Lock washers or according to BACW. Miltech International offers a complete range of special washers for your screw connections.
Flat washers prevent the wear of the piece to be tightened at the time of locking, and decrease the average pressure between the screw head (or nut) and the piece to be tightened. We can provide them in a large number of shades, metallic materials, composites and plastics.
The Disc-Lock® system is similar to the Nord-Lock system but consists of two unglued parts with inclined cam sections on one side and radial grooves on the other.
Spring washers are tapered parts designed to withstand axial loads.
We can provide you with the main types of lock washers:
Shim washers are used to adjust the lateral axial play on a shaft.
The Nord-Lock washers secure the screw assemblies. They are in the form of two glued washers. They prevent loosening while maintaining the same tightening torque.
A special, truncated spring washer. Suitable for applying a large force on a small stroke.
Use: series or parallel assemblies, or a combination of both.
Grower washers have a cut and are deformed to prevent the mounting from loosening up. They are often routinely used in non-optimized assemblies (reference: NF E 27.613).
Plastic Washers are used to support axial loads in rotation.
They also are an electrical insulator resistant to UV radiation.
Rubber Washers are used for their sealing, damping and stopping properties.
Spring washers are designed to ensure locking of screws and nuts, or to compensate for an axial play.
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